Green Phantom Pleco


Fish Gatherer
Dec 30, 2005
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Anybody know anything about this pleco. My lfs just got some in called this and the closet I can come up with from planet catfish is the green pleco. Are these the same?



what do you want to know?
mine loves blodworm (especially jumbos), shrimp (live or frozen), prawns (particularly tiger prawns), pleco wafers etc.
Well if you meant the L200, mine is extremely ultra shy and very skittish ! They are very slow growing too. Feed varied diet :)
yeah and there very similar to the blue phantom pleco
I was just wondering if the green phantom pleco is the same as the L200 since I guess it is that's cool. It says it's a good algae eater, is this true. No I don't want it to just eat algae I will feed it a varied diet.
Can't see I ever see mine eating algae - as it's extremly shy. Even after a year or so that I've had it.
It's impossible to say for sure that what you know as a "green phantom" is definitely an L200. Common names can be anything. But "generally", yes it would be a common name for the L200.
i have a blue phantom and mine eats algea no problem in fact it eats more algea than both my commons which are 7 times bigger
So wait are you saying you don't see yours eat any algae?
Isn't that what I just said ? ;)

But no: never ever ever have I seen mine remotely interested in doing anything algae cleaning related.
Yes I just wanted to make sure since I couldnt quite understand it because of the working.

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