Fish Crazy
Hi, as some of you may already know i'm setting up a 26gal aquarium and have been researching some fish that take my fancy. Anyway i went to one of my LFS today and they had Green neons that look really cool, i'll definitely be getting some when my tank is set up but need some extra info.
Green Neon
Tube mouth Pencilfish
Glowlight tetra
Does anyone have any experience of them and how do you think they would get on with blue tetras (a bit nippy?), pencilfish and glowlight tetras? I hope to get some corys aswell but i dont think they'll be a problem

Green Neon

Tube mouth Pencilfish

Glowlight tetra
Does anyone have any experience of them and how do you think they would get on with blue tetras (a bit nippy?), pencilfish and glowlight tetras? I hope to get some corys aswell but i dont think they'll be a problem