Green Neons


Fish Gatherer
Mar 14, 2010
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Half thinking about maybe considering getting some (lol). Does anyone have any? Coz I can't seem to find them anywhere. Worse than Pygmy Corys, at least I found them on Ebay.

Are they sensitive?
I got some a few years ago. I have one left that shoals with my newer cardinals.

I didn't find them any more delicate than the cardinals, though you'll find lots of references saying they'll die if their water parameters aren't such and such. My water is pH 7.2, GH 7 and KH 4.

They aren't quite as showy as cardinals and neons and they are a bit smaller. They may be called green, but if you look at them straight they look blue. It's only when you look down on them that they look green. I got mine in spring, and I've read they they are seasonal fish. You may have to wait till next year to find any.
Hiya, thanks

Lol I was planning on waiting a while but not that long. TBH I'd rather have ordinary Neons or Cardinals but it'll bring my stocking to pretty much 100% and as they're not too hardy I didn't want to push my luck. My other option is Harlequins which I like nearly as much and are much more hardy I spose. Lol I just wanted some bluuuuuuuuue!
When they say your tank has to be 6 months mature before adding Neons, is that 6 months from when you started cycling or 6 months from when it was eventually cycled?
Six months from when it finished cycling.

I've got a shoal of 19 'Green' (I don't know why they're called green when they're blue :unsure: ) neons and I absolutely love them. I don't think they're that hard to keep; they certainly seem to be hardier than most of the normal neons are these days (round here at least)

I don't know where you are (I'm in the UK) but my lfs gets them in fairly regularly.

I prefer them to neons or cardinals, but then, I don't like too much red in my tanks; red and orange fish remind me too much of goldies!

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