Tank size: 70 litres
pH: 7.6
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 10ppm
kH: unknown
gH: unknown
tank temp: 25
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): half of body (back half) covered in white fungus-like growth. Good colour (no fading), can't really swim but trying to.
Volume and Frequency of water changes: 30%, once a week
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: none
Tank inhabitants: 7 neon tetras
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): none
Exposure to chemicals: none
Hi, i have 7 neon tetras in a cycled tank and found one last night in my internal filter (i have the feeling he's been in there a couple of days). He was still alive but struggling to swim when i released him back into the tank (not sure if this was due to any damaged fins, couldn't see any injuries, or just due to general tiredness).
I put him in a fry trap to separate him from the other fish, expecting him to die overnight to be honest, but he was still alive this morning! his back half is now covered in a fuzzy, fungus-looking coating, and he can't really swim, but his colour is still good.
I'm at work now, but if i go home tonight and he's still alive is there anything i can do? I have a smaller tank i could set up as a hospital tank. Is fungus contagious?
pH: 7.6
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 10ppm
kH: unknown
gH: unknown
tank temp: 25
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): half of body (back half) covered in white fungus-like growth. Good colour (no fading), can't really swim but trying to.
Volume and Frequency of water changes: 30%, once a week
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: none
Tank inhabitants: 7 neon tetras
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): none
Exposure to chemicals: none
Hi, i have 7 neon tetras in a cycled tank and found one last night in my internal filter (i have the feeling he's been in there a couple of days). He was still alive but struggling to swim when i released him back into the tank (not sure if this was due to any damaged fins, couldn't see any injuries, or just due to general tiredness).
I put him in a fry trap to separate him from the other fish, expecting him to die overnight to be honest, but he was still alive this morning! his back half is now covered in a fuzzy, fungus-looking coating, and he can't really swim, but his colour is still good.
I'm at work now, but if i go home tonight and he's still alive is there anything i can do? I have a smaller tank i could set up as a hospital tank. Is fungus contagious?