Green Algae Emergency


Fish Crazy
May 15, 2007
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right people, i need some help pronto with this as it has now completely taken over my puffer tank and while the fish arent looking distressed im getting concerned

i have removed all the plants apart from those attatched to bogwood(that was in another tank) and i did a 50% water change on wednesday yet the tank is now full of green algae across the coral in the tank

the tank isnt in direct sunlight, but does get the heat from the sun during the day as it is behind blinds that block direct sunlight off

i havent used any chemicals thus far and am at a total loss of what to do other than completely changing the substrate to see if that works as a tank i have about 5 feet away suffers none of these problems yet has different substrate

the actual problem started when i acquired more plants and planted them and hasnt gone away since, although i did also buy some plant food stuff at the same time but havent put anymore in incase this was the prob, but it just wont go away

treelo, is this the same tank you had algae problem a little while ago? Have you tried the planted tank forum? Also, any picture of the algae?
Pretend it is mid winter and turn the tank lights off for a week or more. Once the algae begins to recede, begin to turn the lights on for a few hours at a time. Once it is at the level you can live with, only light the tank in segments that add up to eight hours. It would also be good to do frequent small water changes, as you probably have an imbalance in water composition.

Is this an African Rift tank or a marine tank? Why do you have coral?
i have coral as the fish i have need slightly higher PH and its to balance the water out as i have a fair bit of wood in it

its not marine just freshwater tropical

and yes, it is the same tank as the one i was having minor problems with, only now its growing daily and i have removed most of the plants incase it was them
Sorry treelo, I don't know which algae you have but from what I can recall in your previous posts, it looked like blue-green algae to me.

If it is blue-green algae, try a 3-day blackout (no peeking) to starve the bacteria dead and then do a big water change. Then more smaller but more frequent changes afterwards to eradicate it. Your puffs should be fine for those 3 days. Plants might suffer a bit but should recover.

Hope you get it sorted soon. Good luck.
Actually, if I am not mistaken, the plants compete with the algae for the nutrients they both need. So removing the plants does not hinder the algae growth, if anything it aids it.
had a thought on this earlier today

the water parameters always show up fine when i test them, but could this problem possibly come from the fact i havent yet changed my blue sponge in my filter?
When was the last time you changed your aquarium lights?

And yes, as jollysue said, removing the plants will make the problem worse as algae is essentially a plant, and now that it has no competition from your plants.......weh hey! It'll be having a feeding frenzy!
Scooterchick is also correct in asking about the lights. Make sure they are up to date and offering the correct spectrum. The spong could be adding to the problem.
i do still have 7 java fern and an absolute shedload of java moss in the tank still

as for the lights, the tank is only about 6 months old and while ive had this algae problem i havent been lighting the tank in fear of further spreadage

It's recommended that you replace the lights after 6 months. Although lights all look the same to us they have quite different effects on the fish. There are different tones in lights, eg red is good for fish and bringing out the colours, but bad for the production of algae. Blue is good for keeping algae at bay, guess what burns out first? Correct, the blue colour goes first, leaving only the red, so although the light still works and looks ok, it could be the reason for your algae problem.
That's actually quite interesting, scooterchick. I recently had a severe algae bloom. I turned off the lights for 2 weeks and still had trouble. Even the Plecs weren't making a dent. I got new grow lights and guess what! My plants are outgrowing this awful black algae that has reduced a 2 foot Mama Amazon Sword to a five inch baby. I have the greenest, thickest Java moss I have ever had! It is blue green and some of the leaves are a fourth of an inch wide.

Thanks! I learn more daily!
LOL!! Guess who else just replaced the aquarium lights due to an algae bloom??!! My pleco thinks he's died and gone to heaven......algae heaven.
:good: :lol:

I was blaming the Corys and the Loaches for the sword, because they were digging in the roots for black worms. The whole tank was going black!

I guess I am going to get busy and replace some of my old lights. $$$$$

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