Green Aeneus Cories Help


Fish Crazy
Jul 7, 2011
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[font="Verdana]As you have seen in one of my other posts, i have been in search for a few bronze cories that are male and today i decided to go down to my local pet store and they had baby cories labeled green aeneus cories and they looked just liked a bronze cory, only that the stripe that is across their body was a little shorter, so i decided to get one of them and see just how he would do in the tank. I tried to get several pictures of him, but all he came out was a really big blur and you could barely see his body shape, i only got two good pictures of him. Is this a bronze cory or not? His markings are identical to a bronze cory's and he is hanging with the bronze cories the most rather than with the brochis cories. I was able to post the pictures on image shack since they were too big to get onto this website:[/font][/color]
I don't think so because emrald green cories are actually another type of catfish called brochis and they had them in a tank with the label brochis and they also had little ones in there and their body was fully green sort of a little brighter than the grown ones.
I know its really hard to get good photo's of an unco-operative cory but if you could get some pictures where it's not in shadow, the question should be cleared up quickly. In the first photo I would have said an Emerald but the second photo made me think bronze. I would do some online searches of both Corydoras aneus (Bronze cory) and Brochis (even some of the less common Brochis species) and see if your one matches multiple photos of other peoples fish.
Look at these and tell us which one it looks more like
Just like corydoralover said, their dorsal fin is different and the cory i have doesn't have it like the brochis that you showed me on those pictures he just has it shorter on the body, maybe if we wait a few more weeks to see if it changes its size?
Green cory may be sold has bronze cory in some places...due to the colouration. Green laser corys are vibrant green and more noticeable than the subtle green the bronze may look sometimes.

The difference between green emerald cory (brochis splenden) and a standard bronze cory(aeneus) even though they look the same is the Bronze cory has 6-8 dorsal rays on its fin,whereas the larger splendens has 10-12 and more chunky which is more noticeable.
Can't really tell from the pics, i would sway towards a brochis.

Try counting the rays on the dorsal fin
Ok, i'm going to try that in a while and i will let you know as soon as possible
I have counted 8 rays, i counted them three times and i still for 8 rays.

Checked a picture and it has 7 so it is either 7 or 8... o_O

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