Greedy Neons


Fish Addict
May 20, 2006
Reaction score
Leicestershire, England
neon feeding time........flakes the eat the fill lazily

betta flakes (not that the betta takes any interest in them) neons go crazy after them fighting around

couple of dryed bloodworms (betta had one) neons picked bits off them

cory feeding time (own home recipie sinking pellets) neons are there scrounging for bits, and fighting each other off


only had them since yesterday, are they going to get worse as they settle in and get more confident around the other fish *note* i do plan to get a 30G tank before they reach maturity
Yeah they are very open fish towards food, not fussy at all! Mine will eat pretty much anything i put in for my fish, from frozen krill, algae wafers, freezedried river shrimp, flakes, daphinia, catfish pellets, bloodworms, mussles, prawns etc etc :) .
you'll find as they settle in they will spend less time shoaling together & more time pottering around doing their own thing cos they feel safe! ive always found that new fish from the lfs are very hungry & go mad for all food at first as the lfs obviously doesnt give their stock as much food as we tend to.
theyre lovely fish enjoy! :D

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