Greedy Blind Cave Tetra


New Member
Jan 18, 2011
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I have 3 Blind cave tetra and 3 corydoras amoungst other fish. The blind fish have always been greedy and the other fish in my tank have learnt to move quickly if they want a meal which is fine.

The blind fish have been in there for a couple of years and doing well but I recently purchased the corydoras. I bought them some algae wafers and I have flake food for the other fish. The problem is the minute I drop the algae wafers the blind fish go absolutly mental and eat all the wafers at once and pretty much double in size. The corydoras are so slow they don't get a look in. I'm worried that firstly my blind fish are going to pop and second that my poor little corydoras are going to starve.

Has anybody ever had this problem or have any idea how I can stop my fat little tetras eating all the corys food?

Any help would be appriciated!
Hi welcome to the forum, i had this problem with my danios and platties the solution was to feed the corys with the lights out, but as cave blind tetra don't need to see to eat i wouldn't be sure what to do. could you try distracting them with some other food while the corys are eating?
Feeding them at night wont work, it only works with plecos. Corydoras are not nocturnal.
Hi welcome to the forum, i had this problem with my danios and platties the solution was to feed the corys with the lights out, but as cave blind tetra don't need to see to eat i wouldn't be sure what to do. could you try distracting them with some other food while the corys are eating?

I've tried feeding the flake and wafer at the same time and different times but it's not helped they seem to like the wafer more for some reason so they just ignore the flake. I'm also crushing the wafers and spreading them round the tank so it's harder to find but they are still obviously eating it all because their bellies grow so much its ridiculous. I'll just have to try feeding tiny amounts throughout the day and hope the corys get a bit more savvy. Thanks
Hi kirsty2236 :)

I know what you mean about the blind cave fish being greedy eaters. I've had a pair of them for about 5 years now and I keep them with my corys. They even pick up sinking wafers and swim around with them in their mouths. You don't have to worry about the corys going hungry as long as you put in enough food for all of them. If you have any doubts, just add a little more and watch to be sure it's all getting eaten.
Hi kirsty2236 :)

I know what you mean about the blind cave fish being greedy eaters. I've had a pair of them for about 5 years now and I keep them with my corys. They even pick up sinking wafers and swim around with them in their mouths. You don't have to worry about the corys going hungry as long as you put in enough food for all of them. If you have any doubts, just add a little more and watch to be sure it's all getting eaten.

Glad to hear you corys aren't starving, I'm a bit less worried now :D Mine do the same with the wafers, then they get really upset when they drop them, I love my blind fish they are amazing to watch. I've tried feeding really tiny amounts severel times a day which seems to be working. Thanks

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