Gray Sand?

Im afraid I cant help you but to get things going why dont you help us by giving more info?

Tank sizes atc


Age of tank?

Stock if any

cleanup crew



Anything else that may help like any thing you have changed added?

you tried a water change if you havent already?

This may help out?


I just looked at journal, It looks a little bleak? I dont think its good you havent cycled tank and have no LR (correct me if im wrong) I did only skim through it tho?

I dont know where to start is any stock alive now?
55 USG
Set Up about 3 1/4 Months
2 Blue Damsels
1 Turbo Snail
Last Count 5 Hermit Crabs
Whisper 60 Filter
Whisper Heater
I am not sure on Parameters
Power has gone out quite often this month.
Water change last week
Yes, Stock is alive... Note: That has not been updated lately.
I have 2 Pieces of live rock now! - Getting More Soon.
Temperature: 80F

Thanks for the help.
It it just little piles of gray stuff, or is the actual sand gray?
It is like the sand is starting to turn gray... It is little sections of the sand.

Most reactions
