gray pleco?


Fish Herder
Jul 27, 2004
Reaction score
western ny, USA
was at the lfs and saw some kind of gray pleco in with some candystripe plecos. it wasn't labeled at all and couldnt really find anything online that quite matched it. it was solid gray (kind of a light shade-not dark at all) with darker lines going across the body (the pattern of the scales - kind of outlines of the scales). i do not have a picture or anything but maybe someone has some ideas?
its hard to tell...i was looking at those photos but this fish was a juvenile only about 1-1.5". it, however, had no spots whatsoever - just the dark lines going across the body outlining the scales. i looked through just about all of the photos on planetcatfish and have not seen anything that matched.
I know of another grey Pleco but I can't think of the name for anything. If I do, I'll post a link to it.
Maybe it's Chaetostoma thomsoni....striped bulldog plec, according to Pl.Catfish...spots only on the head.

I believe this is a pic of one.
after looking at the pics on planetcatfish for the striped bulldog pleco i'd have to say you are probably right! it looks exactly like the 3rd picture on the left column (pic 9 of 14). how much do you think is a decent price for these guys? thanks for all that helped, good job. :thumbs:
reg2k2 said:
Maybe it's Chaetostoma thomsoni....striped bulldog plec, according to Pl.Catfish...spots only on the head.
Darn, that's the one I meant to say.

We have two of them, think we paid about £6 each for them.

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