Ok, one of my female guppies, Tigris, had her babies and then ate them all a few days ago. Now, she is really skinny but still has her gravid spot. Is it permanent?
Gravid spots if u look closey enough have the babies behind then which makes them black and they get bigger when the babies grow So it shouldnt be black any more but kind of clear dont forget it her womb every female fish have them 4 ever!
My guppy always has her spot. Its like a window into her belly. I can see the eggs inside! Its a pretty good indication to me when she will give birth.
A few of my livebearers always have gravid spots, and most of my guppies ALWAYS did. Well, with the exception of yellow or other lightly colored fish. It really depends on the coloration. I had one that had a black gravid when preggers, then a dark grey one the rest of the time. Not too easy to tell the difference in color....
I have a golden colored guppy, and when she's not pregnant, hers is pink; but then, my gray guppy's is black all the time regardless. Basically I know she's pregnant because her belly and the gravid spot grow...