New Member
The gravid spot seems to have disappeared and it looks like something had burst inside of her? The picture may not be too clear but something looks off about her. I’m not sure what happened but she gave birth about a week ago and since then has been sleeping a lot, like, napping-every-few-minutes a lot. She lays down on the sand to sleep when i turn the lights off and maybe has a nap once or twice during the day and has been doing that ever since i got her a over a year ago so her lying on the sand unmoving isn’t new with me but she’s doing it a lot more now. All the babies were either underdeveloped or eaten by her too quickly for me to take a proper look.
This was the worst pregnancy she has had so far and she’s had quite a few pregnancies under my care. it seems to have taken a huge toll on her health. she’s breathing noticeably harder and faster than she used to and i’m getting worried about her. She still eats as per normal though. does anyone know what’s going on?