I have 3 Panda Cories in my 29g and 2 of them have a darker belly than the other one. They all eat the same foods. Does that mean the two darker ones have eggs?
i dont know of a gravid spot as such on corys. Generally, the way to tell they are egg laiden is the size of their stomachs. They swell up and another small tell tale sign is that they are so fat that their pectoral fins cant touch the bottom properly
if possible view the fish from above and you'll see the difference between males and females much clearer.
Presuming their mature of course. When the eggs are mature the females get a little plumper than normal.
The underside of all of them is white, but on two of them it's a little bit darker than the rest of their bodies right about the side fins (pectoral?). I said gravid because they are egg layers, so they can't be pregnant right?
The underside of all of them is white, but on two of them it's a little bit darker than the rest of their bodies right about the side fins (pectoral?). I said gravid because they are egg layers, so they can't be pregnant right?