Gravid Kuhli Loach


May 5, 2006
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I think one of my Kuhli's is gravid but we're not sure what to do. She doesn't seem t have paired up with another Kuhli. Should we just take her out and another Kuhli? How do you sex them?

The eggs need to be fertilized right? No point just isolating her?

We have absolutely no idea what to do so any help is much appreciated. Baby Kuhli's would be soooo cute!
Thanks for that voo! My fat kuhli girl looks just like those pics, not quite as fat yet though!

The problem I have is that they are in a community tank and I have 6 kuhli's. From that link it says that the eggs are fertilized as the female spawns. I have no idea how to sex a kuhli so can't isolate just her and 1 other, unless I isolate all 6 together?

Do you think this would be a good idea? They are buggers to catch though and I wouldn't want to stress her too much. I think I might just wait and hope they spawn when I am at home and can then isolate the eggs.

Anyone got any experience with kuhli eggs? Would really like to try and get these to hatch but I have never done anything like this so am clueless! :lol:

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