Why its better for fish:
A lot of fish prefer sand over gravel, corries for example love digging around in sand, where they can not do this in gravel without hurting/wounding and sometimes losing their whisker like thingies (yeah, I'm great in remembering names of body parts and stuff
). Most bottom feeders prefer sand over gravel for this reason, plus that gravel can be sharp sometimes and cause small cuts. Other fish often seem to prefer it as well, but no clue why.
Why it could be a lot better for you:
Cleaning sand is easier than cleaning gravel. With gravel, most of the dirt falls down inbetween the gravel and is pretty much impossible to get clean ever again. Unless you have a Lot of plants that use this to live of, this can cause the water levels to become unstable. With sand the dirt will stay on top of the sand, making it a lot easier to remove. Just hold the syphon about a cm over the sand and the dirt will come up, leaving the sand where it was.
Why you might prefer gravel:
Gravel you can put into your aquarium right away, without too much fuss. With sand however, you'll need to rinse it out properly first. This can take a very long time, and even after that you'll probably have to let it all settle for a day and then do 1 or 2 water changes before the water will be clear. Gravel also tends to look a lot cleaner because the crap sinks right down, where (even though its still there and messing up the water) you can not see it.