Gravel Vaccums

How important are gravel vaccums to the overall health of your fish and water conditions?

  • Not at all

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  • A bit, not vital

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  • Quite important

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  • Very important, a must

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  • Without one, all your fish will eventually die

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Hi drobbins27 :)

You must do regular water changes and gravel cleanings if you want to keep your fish healthy. This is especially important if you have any bottom feeders.

I recommend a basic siphon. This is the one I use:

They are not expensive and they last for years. You do not need fancy attachments or other self starter gimmicks. IMHO, they are a waste of money and will not last as long as the simple one.

If you need instructions about how to start and use it, just start a thread in the Tropical Chit Chat forum and I'll explain. :nod:
Thanks guys, I do the water changes, just whenevr I move things in my tank (plants) all this debris clouds up the water. Im hoping thats what gravel vaccums clean up:D Also, what is the purpose of an undergravel filter? Is it yo pull particles to the bottom ?
Under gravel filters suck wast into the bottom of the tank, and their for it is vital to do regular gravel cleanings, so the filter doesn't clog. most people blame them for high nitrates (though I'm not quite sure how) and are a bit dated filter, but them require no filter pad, because they use the gravel to grow bacteria and trap particles. :)
drobbins27 said:
... just whenevr I move things in my tank (plants) all this debris clouds up the water. Im hoping thats what gravel vaccums clean up...
Hi drobbins27 :)

That's exactly what a gravel vac does! :nod: You'll be amazed at just how much gunk you will pull out, too! :sick:
I asume you are doing FW tank.
I have tried many of the different gravel cleaners. The best are the standard ones. (large ridged clear plastic going to nylon tubes). While you could dyi one it would not be worth the time or cost.
If you use gravel they are a "MUST" IMO.
Absolutely necessary. You could try building one, but they're rather cheap here. You can buiy a smaller one if you have a big tank, but they only cost $10 max for the really big ones. It's just easier to clean tanks with a vacuum, though.
I'm assuming you have no children, because HOO-BOY, I could tell ya some horror stories

nope ur wrong i have one child.... and she didnt used to poop that much lol.... fish poop as soon as they see u openin the lid lmao... kids only poop 1-2 times a day lmao

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