Gravel Vac Recommendations Needed


Fish Gatherer
May 17, 2006
Reaction score
Keighley, West Yorkshire, UK
I was wondering if anyone with a big tank could recommend a good battery powered or mains powered gravel vac? I'm currently using a syphon when I do water changes (every 2-3 days at present), but with Jim the poo machine about, I cant realistically do water changes every day just for the sake of getting rid of some poo ;)

I've seen the Eheim sludge extractor, suitable for up to 60cm deep tanks (which mine is) and would love to hear people's experiences with that, but was also wondering if there were any other gravel vacs anyone could recommend (available in the UK) that didn't necessitate a bucket and syphon kind of set up (ie something that you just hold, vac and either empty or does it itself, if you get me). It's got to be fairly easy to do, as I'm not good at carrying anything heavy or standing for a long time - so something that makes vac-ing as quick and easy as poss would be great.

The Eheim looks ideal, but I dont want to fork out £40 on something that wont do the job - so reviews would be fab. :good:
Hi, i have a eheim sludge extractor and i would not be without mine now, they are very good, try looking on ebay im sure your find one on there a little cheaper.

Cheers Gordon
mine came without any battery i put it in the tank i blow in it to make the gravel go up.
Thanks Gordon - that's where I saw them at £35 with £5 postage, although to be honest, I've only looked for them once - so something might have been relisted, I'll keep an eye out.

Are they battery eaters - or can you get a fair bit done with it before it runs out? Jim the royal plec poos non-stop, and it's a 6ft tank. Mind you, I'm in all day, no harm in recharging the batteries and doing it a couple of times ;)
Thanks Gordon - that's where I saw them at £35 with £5 postage, although to be honest, I've only looked for them once - so something might have been relisted, I'll keep an eye out.

Are they battery eaters - or can you get a fair bit done with it before it runs out? Jim the royal plec poos non-stop, and it's a 6ft tank. Mind you, I'm in all day, no harm in recharging the batteries and doing it a couple of times ;)


I also bought one used off ebay here in the usa..It's worked very well--but lately seems to be not picking up as much--but I do have to say using it with my mollies, I can postpone water changes a little longer if I have to...Batteries lasted pretty long.

I'm so tired of the water all over the place when we siphon out the tank.I'm thinking seriously of getting one of those python things that you can hook up to the sink to drain and fill tank...

Good Luck
I used to use something similar a long time ago. I didn't like it since it was a battery hog. I currently use the Python and love it. The thing about heavy waste producing fish is, if you have good biological filtration and you don't have a BB (bare bottom) tank, then there's no reason to suck up the waste every other day or so. The waste will eventually break down where the benificial bacteria will help keep reduce the ammonia & nitrites.
hi, i have had mine about a year and the battery seems fine still, i use mine on average about twice a week to clean my 4 foot tank, so they are not too hard on the batteries, i would say go for it, they are worth the money

Cheers Gordon

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