Gravel to sand


Fish Fanatic
Aug 13, 2004
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United Kingdom
Assuming I need to take the fish out to change the gravel to sand..... My only option is an old 100ltr tank I have in the garage. How long could I safely put all my fish into this tank for? I would use the water from the tank they are currently in (240ltr) and the heater. But what about a filter mine is a Juwel tank so the filter is attached to the side making it impossible to remove??? I want to do this but I don't want all my fish to die at the same time. Please help with any advice or war stories?? :dunno:
Your fish should be ok for at least 24h.
Plenty of time to sort out your tank.
Yes, up to 24 hours should be fine, depending on stocking levels. If you can add an air stone to the "holding tank" that would be even better. Try not to feed your fish for a few hours before you move them, and do not feed them in the "holding" tank. Put some of your decorations/plants in with the fish as well, this will keep some of the beneficial bacteria working on the fish tank. It probably won't take you 24 hours to redo your tank, so it reall shouldn't matter. When I changed from gravel to sand it took me about 2-3 hours (not including the prep work or rinsing the sand very well) to take down, and rebuild the tank.

But what about refilling the "new" tank how do I avoid the cycling problem. Do I just use as much of the old water as possible? Also I've heard putting some of the old substrate into a stocking helps. If I use as much of the old water as possible and some of the old substrate will this make it just like doing a big water change?
The beneficial bacteria does not stay in the water, most of it is in your filter and substrate.

How about?

Get your sand prepared (washed etc)
Move your fish and tank water to your 100 litre
Take the media out of the Jewel filter at the last minute, putting it in a bucket of tank water, and placing an airstone in there to provide oxygen to the bacteria
Take out your gravel and replace with sand
Refill your tank and reuse your old filter media
Put some of the gravel in a stocking and drop into tank

If your filter media is kept in oxygenated tank water and placed back into the filter asap I would think you would be ok!

A good way would be to syphon the gravel out (assuming its not very large particles) in small ammounts every week with the water change. Maybe do three water changes a week until its all out. Then just wash the sand and use an old cup and place in on the bottom of the tank. As long as its washed, ther shouldn't be any cloudy water. the tank may cloud up for a couple of hours but put some carbon in and that should clear it up plus any other toxins that could have got in there. this way, the fish won't have to be moved.

ste :)

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