Gravel/stones Etc


New Member
Nov 26, 2007
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What is your opinion on coloured gravel? My first reaction is that they've been treated to be a certain colour and might be bad for the tank...but wanted a more expert opinion or tried and tested? :blink:

Thankies :D
Physicly It wont do your aquarium any harm, completly safe :)

Coloured gravel really is only a possible benefit for the fish keeper though, im no fish psychologist but im pritty sure living in a box with bright substrate would make most species feel far more uncomfortable and increase possible stress. Natural for the fishis best :)

My own view on it is that its nasty, looks cheap and tacky. At the end of the day, your tank is your tank so make it as you desire :)
most coloured gravel is fine nowadays and doesn't leech dye into the water though its not unknown for the brighter gravels to fade over time. I have seen dyed sand discolour water quite badly though. Obviously the dyes used are aquatic safe so even if there was some water discolouration it wouldn't be of any harm to fish/plants etc.

Easiest way to make sure is just to leave it in a bucket a bit longer when you rinse it before placing in a tank and see if it has any effect on the water.
Don't know about its safeness, but I just dont like the look of it. I think its horrible personally, I think a tank looks much better with sand or regular gravel.
Why not get coloured fish instead. With natural gravel, the fish's colour will stand out and look brilliant.

The next time Doctor Dolittle comes for tea, I shall get him to ask my fish what they'd prefare. I'm pretty sure though, that they might prefare natural rather than 70's psychodelic minging colours.

A serious question, though.
Has anyone with a large tank ever tried to test fish preferance with gravel types?
I'm guessing you would need similar decor (rocks, caves and stuff) at each end of the tank so that choice is based on the different gravel colours at each end.
Before you all start mocking me, it was only a question as I have seen lots as LFS...I was trying to find "natural" colour ones and about 2 bags were natural stones and 12 were coloured!!!!!

And I DO prefer natural colour stones, just wondered about the weird coloured ones as they looked scary :sad: :no: :/
I don't believe anyone is mocking you. My last post, I was in a weird mood. Hence my weird comment about Doctor Dolittle.

It is a shame that your local aquarium centre does not provide for the 'proper' aquarium.
I Don't think that bright coloured gravel will harm your fish. After all, it has been developed to be safe.
You have to use what you can get. But don't be hasty, if you can get better later, then wait.
Best things come to thoughs that wait.

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