gravel sand or nothing???


Fish Fanatic
Jan 2, 2005
Reaction score
Bedfordshire, uk
Hey im finally setting up my betta tank!!!!!!! however before i actually get a fish at all trying to sort out what sort of tank is best im not gonna try start breeding for a long LONG time cos not sure what id be doing :fun:

anyway any ideas as to what a betta would prefer in the bottom of the tank or am i best just leaving it bare???

ahhhhhh :p
hiya, id say that betta's would be happiest with sand, as they can then rest anywhere, without worrying or thinking, will i cut myself on that piece of gravel?

best of luck! let us know wot u decide!
Just a thought but I recently changed back to gravel from sand with my betta boys as they tended to get stuff on their fins from sitting on the sand. I did w/c and siphoning off any rubbish every week but the sand still looked mucky nearly straight away and they would get bits of like "belly button fluff" on them :rofl:

I unfortunately lost one of them to dropsy and feel sure that he went downhill from when I put the sand in there and he was sitting around on the bottom. My other male Ozzy is now happy and more active with the gravel again.

My female betta community is sand but they are fine in there as they are not often on the bottom.

Just my experience :)
in a tank id use gravel, sand startes to look nasty after a while and needs cleaned often to keep it looking good, but if ur just into the fihs, not show, id go with sand as they do rest at the bottom ;) bare bottom in a tank i dont like because they'll go to the bottom and rest in their own filth and my male gets fin rot from that all the time. -_- just monor thogh
I use gravel that's about 1/4 of an inch across, and smooth. Admittedly, sand looks better, when it's clean, but gravel is more practical. I used to have sand, but when my bettas went picking around the tank bottom for nibbles, they would swallow sand. :crazy: And gravel looks more natural in a betta tank, in my opinion.

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