Gravel or Sand


Fish Crazy
Aug 5, 2003
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I yesterday saw sand in a tank. Obviously it would be hard and not very benifial to change my gravel in my exciting tank

But ... with a new set up . ... is sand a suitable alternative to gravel or is it only suitable for certain fish. I think it was rays (this may be a general name but thats what I think they were) in the tank. I ask as it looked really good but am worried if i tried it there may not be enough substrate for a health growth of bacteria.
I have used swimming pool filter sand in planted tanks, (no ug filters of course). Sand and soil give a better environment for plant roots, but can pack down very hard and even form anoxic patches, the looser packing of the filter sand avoids this. It also was 100% silica so chemically neutral.

Plants in the sand tanks, (laterite bottom), always did better than gravel substrates.

Bacteria grow on pretty much any surface, just make sure you have plenty of surface area in your canister or whatever.

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