Gravel Only Planted Tank


New Member
Oct 15, 2003
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Was wondering what some of you thought about having only gravel in a planted aquarium. I have an existing 40 gallon with 3mm-5mm size gravel, would like to add plants but not real interested in clearing out inhabitants and gravel to add Flourite or whatever. I have ordered the full line of Seachem Flourish products and the Sanders Floramat CO2 Generator. If I add Laterite balls to the base of my plants do you think that would be sufficient?
would of thought you would be able to grow some plants easily m8y just with the gravel and flourish if you have enough light
scot :good:
i only have gravel in mine and its fine :good:

just make sure you dose enough ferts and everything should go well
i only have gravel in mine and its fine :good:

just make sure you dose enough ferts and everything should go well

Nice looking tank. It is nice to see visual evidence that it can be done. I have read over the last week or two, over and over, that you need to have some sort of Flourite. Only a case or two of people stating there was no real need.

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