Gravel For Cories?


Fish Crazy
Feb 25, 2007
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Some one was looking at my pride and joy amazon set up and said that my gravel would hurt my cories... I was semi-concerned and thought that the gravel was pretty well rounded, what do you all think? Should I seriously consider switching to sand or does it really matter, I have a pic with a cory on the gravel... comments/opinions appreciated.

Well I personally love sand! It's cheap, easy to clean and looks great IMO. The cories absolutely love digging through it and going through it, they scamper around on it too. I can't imagine mine being any happier with gravel in the tank. I think cories are probably happier in the sand than on gravel but that's just my personal opinion.
Sand is more natural to them. They can plow for food in their natural way.

But they can tolerate gravel, if you keep it clean. It must be vacumed regularly and completely. The Cory's barbells are subseptible to infection from bacteria that occurs when leftover food rots. The Cory finds and eats his food with his barbells, so he is at a big disadvantage if he should lose them to infection--at the minimum.

Some take the position that the Cory will cut his barbels on gravel with rough edges. I am not convinced of this, but it should be taken into consideration.

I have peppered Cories and Botia in my Community tank. Both groups use barbells to dig for food. That tank's substrate is Eco-Complete for planted tanks. There is a heavy mix of soil and some gravel and stones. I have had the tank up since early '05 and never had any barbell problems.

I use this Eco Complete for my more heavily planted tanks and Eco Compete for Cichlids for my Tanganyikan Reef tanks, but my Cories all get sand. I buy steralized QuickRite concrete/construction sand medium to heavy weight for a few dollars for 50 pounds. Sometimes I use some Tahitian Black sand.
I have been using QuickRite since it was recommended to me in '05 by an experienced fish keeper. I have had no problems with it. If I need to purchase more I will check again the ingredients, but there was nothing as I remember about additives. I questioned closely the person recommending it and the hardware person. It was recommended by brand name and specifics. I was told it is the same as was being sold in the lfs. It was not just a general building sand. But I will stop putting it forth as a possibility until I know more. Thanks.
Indeed. I just didn't want anyone else reading the thread thinking that builders sand in general was OK to use.

There might be some difference between the State and the UK too.
Hmmmm... well maybe sand is the way to go, would it be better for my plants also?
Re: plants, sand is up there with gravel in the order of utterly useless when it comes to plants.

Purely in terms of substrate for plants, you'll need something under the sand for the plants (such as potting soil, Tropica Plant Substrate, Tetra Complete, AquaBasis etc). Cap this then with a 1" layer of sand.

In the USA Pure Layerite is popular as a base enricher. It takes very little. I use it and have it on hand always. There are other additive substrates that can mix with or be placed on the tank bottom before the sand to enrich it.
I also use a sterilized builders sand and while I wouldn't advocate it I have my doubts that it's much different from play sand, if different at all.

On the cleaning side of things it's quite easy, You just hover the vac an inch or two above the sand and swirl it around to get the poo and detrius floating and into the vac, you will inevitably get a small amount of sand in the bucket or water but it won't be noticeable at all. It's very easy and I think probably easier than gravel in my opinion. I do find I need to vac it more than gravel since the poo does show up easier, but it's worth it IMO.

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