Gravel Filters


New Member
Jul 11, 2009
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We have an issue with debris (majority fish poo) in our gravel.

We have a gravel vac but the poo sinks right down the the bottom (maybe our gravel is too fine?) and its difficult to get out even with the vac.

We have a 35litre tank and would like to get a gravel filter or some sort of airating system to get the poo up or eliminated in some way. We have seen some gravel filters but all seem too big for our size tank/shape.

Has anyone got a 35litre tank and a gravel filter for it? If so can you let me know the brand and where to get it from. It always worried me having poo sat there as I'm concerned it will affect the nitrates (which it doesnt seem to be doing so yet)

Thanks in advance
gravel filters will suck the poo down, not bring it too the top. Also i would be more worried about iot effecting the ammonia/nitrite levels.

are you using a battery powered vac or a normal gravity powered vac?
battery powered. The ammonia and nitrite are fine at the minute as well. Its just quite unsightly having black poo in bright red gravel lol!!
generally they are a bit crap, use a "normal" gravity powered one when you do your next water change. can guarantee it will suck up all the crap (no pun intended!) from the area you are cleaing.
I have a gravity powered vac and it's ace at cleaning up the poo from under the gravel. I just got it from P@H so it's nothing special on that side of things. It does its job and it does it well.
I had the same problem when I bought my biiiiig plec...mainly because I was using an extra long tube to drain the water straight out of my window. What I do now, is drain the water into a large container using the standard tubing. In other words....the shorter the tube, the better the suction :good:
Yup, gravity is good. The suction is intense (so much so you have to be careful you don't suck up any fish!)

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