Gravel Cleans How Often?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 11, 2007
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Hi everyone

I regularly do water changes weekly and somtimes do gravel cleans but what i was wondering was that is it neccesary to do gravel cleans? and how often they should be done?

thanks for any help
i tend to do a gravel clean every month with a big water change,
I normally do a 10% change every week and a 40% at the end of the month.
I do a 30% water change every week and i always clean the gravel as this is where uneaten food and fish poo lives, this can cause high levels of ammonia in your tank.
try to gravel clean every time you do a water change. You don't have to gravel clean the entire tank each time you do a water change, but just try to clean as much of the substrate as you can in the process of removing some of the water.

Clean gravel, clean filters, and clean water will prevent most fish health problems.
I do a thorough gravel clean every week with a 30% water change. Would you like to live in a house with a floor covered with uneaten food scraps and poo?? :crazy:
i do mine every friday.

I clean as much of the gravel as i can, approx a 30% water change, the amount off poo they produce (2 rams a BN plec and a Flying fox) is unbelievable!
ugh, every water change I just do a part of the gravel. ex, week 1 : 1/4 of the gravel I can get to,
week 2 : the next 1/4. and so on.

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