Gravel cleaning without removing water


New Member
Aug 12, 2004
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I don’t run a UGF on any of my tanks so the way I see it, the cleaner the gravel the better. With this in mind when I do my weekly water changes I vacuum relentlessly. Once about 30% of the water has been removed only 25% of the gravel has been properly cleaned. I would like to be able to clean about 50% of the gravel weekly without removing more then 25% of the water. Anyone with good ideas on how to accomplish this please let me know.

I’ve heard Marineland’s Magnum H.O.T. is good for this application but I am happy with my current filters and this would not prove cost effective for me. I’ve looked into a few Penn Plax products (see links below) but I’m unsure about their quality.;pcid2=;pcid2=

If anyone here has used these or similar products please let me know how they worked out for you.

I would like to be able to clean about 50% of the gravel weekly without removing more then 25% of the water. Anyone with good ideas on how to accomplish this please let me know.

How about using a smaller gravel cleaner. The smaller the diameter, the slower the flow. I have 3 different size gravel cleaners and choose the one depending on the job. :fish:
Hi Plan-B :)

You are right about wanting to do a good job cleaning the gravel and with practice you will become more efficient at doing the job.

In the meanwhile, don't worry too much. If you can only clean part of the gravel in a sitting, that's OK. Just do your water changes and cleanings twice a week instead of once and the gravel will be done. You don't have to worry about changing too much water because the beneficial bacteria mostly in the filter and gravel and is not free floating in the water.

You might also try raising the bucket that the water is flowing into which will raise the bottom end of the siphon. This should slow the flow of water while still removing a lot of dirt.

Those expensive gadgets are a waste of money and returning old water to the tank is not a good idea at all. Replace anything that you take out with clean and fresh dechlorinated tap water and all will be well. :D
would it not work to stuff a wack load of that cheap filter foam into the vacuum, and then siphon the water into a bucket and just replace it back into the tank?

Dirt gets stuck in foam water goes thru it, whala
Hi bob`_your_dog :)

No, that's not a very good idea at all. The idea is to get the old water out and replace it with clean water. The old water does nothing good for the tank and is laden with bacteria that could harm the fish if they are stressed and their immune system gets weakened for a while.

The beneficial bacteria is clinging to the surfaces and very little of that is removed during water changes. :D
Yes i know..... but Plan-B was asking for ways to clean the gravel without taking so much water out, therefore just removing all the dirt and keeping the mechanically filtered water might help.
there is a type of vac that uses an air pump and the water is passed through a mesh bag so no water is lost and all the smegg is left in bag.

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