Gravel Cleaner


Fish Fanatic
Feb 14, 2006
Reaction score
Edinburgh, Scotland
Might sound like a really dumb question :*) but how the heck do these things work?

I had a lovely clear tank 5 mins ago, put the gravel cleaner in moved it up and down vigourasly as intructed and all it did was upset every pieice of debris in my tank and now its a cloudy messy dirt floating everywhere.

How is that cleaning?? Do these things actually work i can only get it to make a mess not suck out dirt!?!?!
they have a one way valve, I use a priming tool for an old fluval 203 to start water flow on mine-it's much less stressfull for the fish and doesn't kick up muck everywhere
Im pretty disappoited in this product very harsh stresses out fish and makes a big old mess is there an alternative way to clean gravel?
they do powered ones, I haven't used one and they are not cheap either
I bought a battery operated gravel vac for about £14 last year. Thay have a bag attached for if you want to just clean the substrate without doing a water change (not instead of, in between). You can also attach some tubing (bought separately) to do water changes. They work well and once the syphon has started (with tube not bag) you can turn the battery off. They are noisy. I have 3 ordinary syphons, my first one was rubbish! I then bought another one and that starts quite quickly. I bought a 3rd because I have a bigger tank now. The water comes out very fast. Hope that helps. :) PS If you get a battery one you needn't buy extra bags, use cut up tights (pantyhose).
Easy peasy way so you dont have to get your tank all dirty....
Suck on the pipe until the water is 3/4 way along the pipe then just stop sucking and put the pipe in your bucket/sink.
Starts it up instantly, i do it all the time, sounds werid but works.

P.S: Brush your teeth afterwards
but doesnt that make all the water comeo ut? I dont want to use it as a syphon just wanna clean the gravel
Yes, the only way of cleaning the gravel will involve removing some of the water. There is nothing that will remove debris from gravel without removing some water. However, as you need to do partial water changes anyway, just vaccuum the gravel and replenish the water as part of your water change regime.
I'd suggest you put the fat part of it in the tank. Then fully submerge the narrower tube, so that it is full of water. Put thumb over end, then move the hose out of the tank and over a bucket. Take thumb off end. Let law of communicating vessels be your freindv- water is sucked from tank into bucket.
You can then use it like a vaccuum-cleaner over the gravel, it'll suck water and particles out and into the bucket.
Use this when you do water changes and make sure you keep it as flush to the gravel as you can. . By the sound of it also sounds like you have alot of left over food on the bottom if it goes that bad after rummaging around.. get a turkey baster and if you have left over food at mealtimes suck it out..
maybe im feeding too much or too often.

How often do u guys feed ur fish? on the food tub is says 3 times a day is that too much?
maybe im feeding too much or too often.

How often do u guys feed ur fish? on the food tub is says 3 times a day is that too much?

I feed like this

one day I feed crushed flakes and slow sinking granuals.. the next day 2 small blocks of blood worm.... the next flakes.. and I make sure that there isnt anything left although its hard but since i have my swarm of 5 corys I get next to nothing being vacumed from the gravel.. oh yeah and twice a week I put a algea wafer in for the pleco
For the gravel cleaner - I simply suck on it to get it going. Takes a second and no stress. You need to be quick though not to get a mouth full of water ! :sick:

Feeding my community fish:Once a day 5 days a week or so - a variety of flakes, pellets & wafers. With the occasional vegetable treat and frozen boodworm :)
For the gravel cleaner - I simply suck on it to get it going. Takes a second and no stress. You need to be quick though not to get a mouth full of water ! :sick:

Feeding my community fish:Once a day 5 days a week or so - a variety of flakes, pellets & wafers. With the occasional vegetable treat and frozen boodworm :)

SHould I be feeding my fish veg?

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