Gravel Changing and New plants


New Member
Aug 25, 2004
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I want to change the gravel in my tank, now weve already established that i probably managed to kill off all the important backteria in my tank when i scrubbed it clean (because it was grubby) but now i really want to give my tank a make over. I dont like the set up the old owner has in there and i really want to change it!

Plants- i dont think im ready to grow my own just yet but i was just wondering if i could add more artificial plants at the back of my 5 gallon tank. I already have two one large one small but i was wondering if the tiger plec (i think thats its name) hides in the gravel because there isnt anywhere sheltered for it to be? Maybe if it had more plants it would come out? or is that just what they do?

Gravel- I want to change this. I was thinking of a bright colour and im really liking red at the moment. But if i go in there and change the gravel am i going to do even more damage to the poor fishies? Does anyone have any tips on how to change the gravel without disturbing anything and also i dont have any spare tanks to keep the cycle going in only an old goldfish bowl. If i change the gravel and keep the bacteria in the filter safe will that help? Also i have some red gravel in the bottom of the old goldfish bowl and a skull. Is it okay if i put the old red gravel mixed with some new as long as i wash it all into the tank? Again any tips on doing this. And also if i wash the skull well is it okay to put it in the tank and replace the ship thats already there? or maybe both or will that be too crowded?

Fish Shops- I only know of the pet shop down the road that stocks fish and i dont know of any specialist fish shops. Can anyone help me with the location of one. I live in Sheffiled UK but can travel to surrounding areas (no longer than 1hour journey)

Any help would be gratefully appreiciated as i am thinking of going to buy new gravel at the pet shop tomorrow
love frances xx
Sorry i forgot this part of my post

other animals- I know my tank is already stocked to its limit with fish but can i add things like snails ( i really want one or maybe 2) but wil lthis over crowd my tank?
Thanks love franc xx
Plants By all means add more artificial plants, but you might also want to consider adding some low maintenance live plants. Some of them have no special requirements and really are no more trouble than plastic plants in my experience. Plus they make your tank healthier by adding oxygen and removing nitrate. :) If you want to have a go, look for Java Moss, Java fern, Anubias or Cryptocoryne. Hoefully your pet store will have labels in the pots to say what types they are.

Your plec, whatever kind it is, is shy and probably nocturnal. this is the way of plecs. ;) If you could like to get him a cave, or just a piece of plastic tubing, to hide in, I'm sure he would be very appreciative. I don't know if the added shelter of plants would make him more active cos I've never had a plec, but it'd be worth a try. :)

Gravel Just try to change it gently, i.e. not stirring the tank up too much. to be on the safe side with the bacteria, get some of the old gravel, tie it up in the foot of an old pair of tights, and leave it in the tank for a week. that way you can take it out later. although seeing as it's already been washed I don't think it'll make that much difference. -_-

Fish shops - how long a drive is it from Sheffield to Leeds? We have a brilliant fish shop here, the staff are really friendly, very knowledgeable and give great customer service. :) Tell me if it's near enough ;) and i'll give you the address.

Other animals I don't know I'm afraid. :unsure: I can't imagine that a snail would make much differnce to the stocking but you should ask the opinion of someone who knows more ;) you'll have to be careful what kind though as some snails will reproduce and take over the tank. :crazy:
Depending on where you live in Sheffield Matlocks not too far away maybe 30 mins or so and they have two really good fish shops there with lots of variety and heard good things about both!
well i toddled off today on my own into town and to my suprise as i was staring out of the tram window we went past a fish shop!! called sheffield aquatics or something similar so i might go and have to hav a nosey round there sometime soon!

Also about the gravel. Im sorry if i seem really thick but i dont understand. Do you mean empty the fish and 50 or 75% of the water and the ornaments and plants and then change the gravel from there making sure the old gravel is washed in the remaining tank water so that the bacteria stays in the tank and then put the new freshley washed gravel in and hope it will pick up the bacteria?

Also about my tiger plec thingy that i havent seen in days. Im sure it lives in the gravel is there an easy way of getting it out of the gravel without killing it and making sure it does get out of the tank before i start messing around changing things?

THe idea of having a cave- can i have that as well as the ship ornament type thing thats aready in there or do i have to substitute one for the other (its a five gallon tank with 4 tetras and 1 plec)

love frances :fish:
well a just read some reports on the sheffield aquatics centre and they r really good so im deffo payin them a visit sometime soon see what they think off this whole fishy buisness iv got going on!
When you have your new gravel:

1) Remove enough water to fill a normal sized bucket but leave the filter submerged (if the water level is too low place the filter on the bottom of the tank).
2) Remove all ornaments and plants and place in the bucket under water.
3) Using your hands, slowly scoop up all the old gravel and place into the bucket along with the ornaments, etc.

Your tank should be empty now except for the water and fishes and the water should be reasonably clear. If there is a lot of waste on the bottom syphon it out but try and not let the water level go below 50%.

4) Wash the new gravel until clean and free of bits.
5) Add the new gravel and spread it evenly on the bottom of the tank.
6) Replace the ornaments and plants.
7) Cut a leg off an old pair of tights and fill it with the old gravel.
8 ) Place the filled tights in the tank.

Your tank should be back to normal now with your new gravel in place.
Leave the tights in the tank for a week or two so that any bacteria can colonise the new gravel then remove and dispose of.

As long as you keep the filter, ornaments & plants submerged any bacteria growing on them should survive and mean that you will not have to start cycling the tank all over again.

Good luck and post some pictures when you've done :)
thankyou sooooooo much thats really helpful! i was wondering if i could unplug the tank and take it outside because my mum is really not going to be pleased if i start chucking gravel and fish poo and water all over the living room floor!
Love frances xxx

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