Grass In Tanks


New Member
Feb 18, 2007
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i've seen other threads about people putting grass in their tanks can i really do this I guess it'd look cool as a carpet for the tank should i put some grass in??
It is not aquatic and will eventually die. There are lots of grass like aquatic plants you could use.

Do you mean you want to add dwarf hairgrass?
If so, it'll depend on whether you've got high lighting, CO2 and a good substrate.

I've had hairgrass in my tank for months now. Originally i had low-medium light (30W over 12g tank), and the grass hardly grew at all. In fact after 3 months it was still looking as though it has just been planted!! I've since added a new light, giving me 72W over a 12g tank, and finally the grass is growing well and thickening out. However, even now, in places where the grass is in the shade due to other plants (riccia floating), it's not growing fast.

There are downsides to the grass too. It can look messy as it will trap all the waste and bits floating around in the tank.
There are downsides to the grass too. It can look messy as it will trap all the waste and bits floating around in the tank.
Ain't that the truth. It can be a pig to keep clean, but if you have the time and keep on top of it ,in my mind it can be stunning.
yeah that is what i meant i had just forgot what it was called but i don't exactly know where to get because i don't really think the lfs carry it
So, how do you take care of it to keep it looking nice? I'm considering adding some Micro Sword to my tank. What type of grass is that in the picture? Very pretty. If maintenance isn't too demanding, I might be interested. What do you need to do to keep it looking nice and how often do you need to do it?
So, how do you take care of it to keep it looking nice? I'm considering adding some Micro Sword to my tank. What type of grass is that in the picture? Very pretty. If maintenance isn't too demanding, I might be interested. What do you need to do to keep it looking nice and how often do you need to do it?
Do you mean you want to add dwarf hairgrass?
If so, it'll depend on whether you've got high lighting, CO2 and a good substrate.

I've had hairgrass in my tank for months now. Originally i had low-medium light (30W over 12g tank), and the grass hardly grew at all. In fact after 3 months it was still looking as though it has just been planted!! I've since added a new light, giving me 72W over a 12g tank, and finally the grass is growing well and thickening out. However, even now, in places where the grass is in the shade due to other plants (riccia floating), it's not growing fast.

There are downsides to the grass too. It can look messy as it will trap all the waste and bits floating around in the tank.

I thought it would grow well with the 3WPG(ish) you had? And 6WPG???? That is a right bright lot of light! Do you have a high CO2 and fert regime to keep up with that?
I have 2 DIY CO2 canisters and EI.
As for the 6wpg, the tank is 12g so it's a small tank. Not the same as 6wpg over a larger tank though

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