

Jun 14, 2004
Reaction score


Smiles nice!

Links going to be all over this...
I like the first pic because the grandma on the bike looks like she has a moustache. :D

And why's everyone waiting til Link arrives? :blink:

What am I missing? :thumbs:

Anyways, feel free to add pictures of your own. :)

The sexy lout is probally at work. I wonder if he will mind that we are talking about him?
Nah he'll love it, he craves the attention :D

Discomafia, if you're still wondering about Link, checkout Eve's an my sig's both done by Link :clap:

The spider/skul kinda thingy is at a club called 'Foufounes Electriques' (Electric Butt). It's a punk/ hard rock bar.
It's been shut down abunch of times for the noise and the 'undesirable element'
it brings to the area, which is pretty funny considering all the hookers used to hang out a block away from the place.
Arfie said:
Nah he'll love it, he craves the attention :D

Discomafia, if you're still wondering about Link, checkout Eve's an my sig's both done by Link :clap:

Ahhhh I get it now. ;) Dunno why I hadn't seen/thought of that before. :unsure: It looks really good btw, I wonder how he does it.
i like the second one best.
painting your name all over your town so everybody knows how bad you are! :grr:

grafitti.... its modern day folk art.

really, have you ever stopped to look at some graffitti?? i see plenty when i'm stuck at the train tracks waiting for the train to pass, the cars are usually covered in it. some of it is really quite impressive in style (content could often use some work but thats thugs for ya). seriously. i know i couldn't do some of that fancy lettering and color effects if i spent a year at it. but they just do it quick, often in poor lighting. shame they don't put those talents to good use like that first picture, using a grafitti style as art.
:hyper: Now we're talking......nice one Discomafia ;)

Thats some cool stuff. In the UK you used to get fined at least £50 for every 'tag' you 'bombed'.
We used to pile down to London on the last train. Fully kitted out with paint, a copy of your design and every graff artists most used item....a hoodie :D
Find a suitable location, spend most of the night spraying and getting high on the fumes and then getting the earliest train back.
I used either 'Vase' or 'Link' as my tag. Its where my username originated from. I'd also try and get the words 'The Missing' somewhere on my stuff as well.
Those were the days :)

The ones I do on paper are fairly crap in comparrison to the ones I can do on walls. Your so limited. On a wall you can paint over stuff and layer for effect. You can be more spontainious because if you mess up you can un-mess it. Now you can buy special nozzles for paint cans to make life easier. We had to modify deodorant can nozzles then.

The best graffiti artists, and my three favourites are 'Clean' 'Banksy' and 'Crack 15'. Now they are seriously talented. I dream of being able to paint even half as good.
If you search the web I bet they will come up.

Since the early 90's the new craze has been 'stenciling'..check out Banksy's website for info if your interested.


Winner :D
There's a wall in a park one block from my place that's FILLED with grafitti. You can always see groups of people there either admiring the artwork or adding on. Since the response to this thread was so good, I think I'll pop by lthe place later and take some pics just for you guys. Pop by this thread in a few hours time, should be on by then.
Those really are beautiful. Around here graffiti (unless gang related) is usually encouraged and displayed proudly in the drain ditches (huuge and cement,a clean canvas) and it's often referred to as cultural art. It's often seen on walls downtown. There's some amazing artwork but it's usually cow related *yawn*
Those are just amazing though :wub:

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