some of my fish just exude grace, and some sort of bumble around... my blue lace angel fish seems really refined and graceful, while my aeneus Cory's bumble and bounce off of everything, and everyone in their tank... in my Hillstream tank, my new Saddlebacks love my vine roots but struggle with them... the slightly smaller red saddlebacks are masters of the vine roots, and spend most of their time in them, gracefully moving from root to root... the Panda Garra's, are like my Cory's, bouncing off of everyone, and everything...
I wonder if the different environments they lived in wild, effects their level of grace... Cory's likely in the open river bed, and more graceful fish likely have a more complex environment they developed in ???
I wonder if the different environments they lived in wild, effects their level of grace... Cory's likely in the open river bed, and more graceful fish likely have a more complex environment they developed in ???
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