Lighting isnt really measured by WPG in marine Reefs. In a 20g id think youd be after 2 or 4xT5s or a MH (metal halide). Standard globes which come with most tanks wont do for hard corals.
Do you mean SPS or LPS? SPS stands for small polyped stony coral, and are things like Montipora and Acropora, whereas LPS stands for Large Polyped Stony Coral, which includes your frogspawns, hammer corals, and Elegance coral. They (LPS) generally require less light than SPS.
Edit: With SPS, the hard corals your probably looking to also increase flow in gph. The 15-20x turover was a genaral figure for mixed reefs/nanos.
SPS/Hard corals are tough beginner corals, Id recomend getting good lighting, like the before mentioned T5's, but starting off with some less demanding corals such as LPS (Hammer corals, elegance corals, frogspawns etc.), Leather corals, and soft corals like mushrooms and zoos. Not unless your confident you can keep water quality tip top, and water stats such as Calcium, Alkalinity and pH stable in a small nano.