
Possibly. What type of gouramis are you thinking about? You are getting close to the stocking guideline of one inch per gallon (lets not start a war over this everybody, just using it as a guideline as i do not know newfies experience level) so when i said possibly it depends on the filtration and your maintenance schedule as well as the type of gouramis that you wish to get. let us know the above so we can give you a more definitive answer. :)
i would have to say no. the kissing gouramis get very large and will not do well in a 15 gallon tank. They can also be fairly aggressive and need a lot of swimming space. Here is a link with some info on them for you. This is not a maintenance issue as it seems you have that well in hand but a size and activity level issue. HTH :)
2-3 inches i think. But they are quite sensitive, so make sure everything in the tank is stable before you add them in.

Kissing gouramis aggressive? Sounds contradictory doesn't it?

I'm glad there are dwarf gouramis. I like gouramis. I was thinking of adding one to my tank later on.

How big does a pearl gourami become?

What do you think ? Could I later add one small angelfish and one dwarf gourami to my existing stock?

I know I might have problems with my black tetra's. They might start nipping the fins of the angelfish. But I think I may bring them back to the fish store again. They have such a bad character.

At my lfs, they told me gouramis are aggressive too. Is that so? What about the dwarf gourami? :flex:

If the mollies are sailfin, then they get up to 6" and you're already overstocked. If they're regular mollies then they grow to 4" and you are about at you limit. Besides, you already got 6 fish in a tiny 15g. You sure you want to bump it up to 8 to make 1 fish for every 2 gallons? As always the choice and the consiquences are yours.

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