Gouramis Swimming against Side


New Member
Mar 22, 2004
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I have a newly established 10 Gallon tank with 2 dwarf Gouramis, they are the only fish. Thank was set up a week before I added the fish with new gravel and a hand full of gravel from a friend's healthy tank. I also have several live plants that were planted about a week ago.

The pair of Gouramis were added 2 days ago so maybe they are still getting used to the tank. It looks like they are both swimming back and forth across the front of the tank playing in the current of the filter especialy after eating. I didn't realize it until I viewed the tank from the side that they are swimming right up against the glass.

Is this indicative of a problem?

I do realize that the tank has to go through a full cycle. I don't plan to add any other fish until that happens. Is there something I should do to help my little Gouramis along?
Hi prophet08 :)

Are you sure that your gouramis are "playing" in the current from the filter? It sounds like they might be fighting it. Swimming against the glass might be their way of getting as far away from it as they can.

Gouramis are labyrinth fish, like bettas, and do not come from an environment that is naturally turbulent. For them to live and procreate the water must be still enough that they can build bubblenests.

If your filter is churning the water a lot, try turning it down and let me know if that helps your gouramis. :D

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