Gouramis N Angels


New Member
May 22, 2006
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my tank is 3 feet by 18 by 12, ive had some guppies n tetras a big nasty pearl gourami (more bout him in a mo) and some glass cats living there for a year now (minus one or two tetras that perished along the way.)

1st question......about a month ago one of the cats up and died, about a year old. (how long to these things live anyway?) it was only a small school and i think they are pining as another poped his clogs last night. is this pining or is it that they were both old and on the way out anyway? how long to they live?

so anyway, it looks like the other two may well folllow suit, they are all the same age (ish) so either age or lonelyness will finish them off, sad. is there anything i can do to help em? cheer em up? ive tried popping a mirror in there? LFS says he hasnt had any for ages and doesnt know when he'll get more in if at all. if i give em back theyll have the same issue.....

so this leads us to the 2nd question. the tank is at the end of a long room, wuldnt mind another larger fish (gourami sized anyway) we tried a blue dwarf gourami a while back but the pearl went bonkers trying to chase it so we took the exhausted little bugger back.would an angel have the same reaction? is my pearl just a little sod or are they all like this? or are they suitably different fish not to bother each other?....cheers in advance.

oh yeah, we have
8 neon tetras
4 minnow type thingies
1 evil pearl gourami.
2 lonely glass cats
2 year old guppies
1 6 month old guppie (last surving off spring of one othe the older guppies that was preggers when i got her)
not sure about the cats but i have a a full grown pearl gourami in my 5ft tank and he hogs one end of the tank whilst my 2 angels hang at the other end.

i thought they would be able to stand up for themselves cos there pretty big but the gourami chases them off if they come too close.

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