Fish Addict
I'm wondering if Gouramis and tiger barbs are actually incompatible. Gouramis are pretty big, and very tough. My LFS keeps gouramis with tiger barbs (in one of their display tanks, which aren't overcrowded and have healthy fish) and the Gouramis look fine. Their feelers aren't damaged at all, and they look very happy.
I had to put a friends gourami in my tank because he had it in a small tank with a blue gourami of the same sex that forced it to live in a cave during the day. I decided that a few 1.5 inch fish wouldn't be a problem. The gourami hasn't been nipped in almost a month. I try to get a good look at it's fins every now and then, and they have always looked fine.
I had to put a friends gourami in my tank because he had it in a small tank with a blue gourami of the same sex that forced it to live in a cave during the day. I decided that a few 1.5 inch fish wouldn't be a problem. The gourami hasn't been nipped in almost a month. I try to get a good look at it's fins every now and then, and they have always looked fine.