Gouramis and compatible fish


New Member
Aug 21, 2003
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I am starting a new 29 gallon tank. I am trying to be very careful in my fish selection for compatibility. So far I have 2 opaline gouramis. One source says they are shy and should be kept in a peaceful tank. The other source said that they are semi aggressive and will do well in a semi aggressive community tank. Here is the list of compatible fish that I was trying to follow:

Barbs, Gouramis, Sharks, Eels, and Loaches. Tiger Barbs and Tinfoil Barbs, plus Blue, Gold, and Opaline Gouramis, plus Bala Sharks, Red Tail Sharks, Rainbow Sharks, and White Tip Sharks.

So far my gouramis seem to be shy. When I get close to the tank that shy away and hide. What would do well with them? I like all the fish listed above but if they aren't going to be compatible I don't want to put them together. I also would like to know how many of each fish I should put in the aquarium. TIA
I don't think your tank is big enough for the sharks - balas can grownto over 12", The red tail to about 4-5" but is very beligerent and will bully smaller fish. The gouramis can grow to about 6" . Barbs need to be kept in a shoal otherwise they will nip at other fish.
As gadazobe said, you may be too small for sharks. Even the least aggressive of them, the rainbows, which you could have just one of, may eventually get to be 9 inches or more.

On a site that I respect, the advice for gouramis was to keep at least 4 together so that they do not harass other fish in your tank. Well, that's 24 inches of fish right there, so it doesn't leave much room! That is why I chose dwarf gouramis for my 28 gallon bowfront -- I love gouramis, but I just don't have the space for the bigger ones.

This site says that danios make good companions for gouramis, and danios, unless you get the giant ones, are smaller. You could have 2 more gouramis (blue or gold or pearl come to mind), and still add a small school of danios (make sure your lid is well-fitted). If you go with barbs, as gadazobe pointed out, you need a group of five or so. And the tinfoil barbs are quite large.

Rainbows (not sharks) are another option, but again they are schooling fish and you don't really have room for a group. Clown loaches get big (10 inches?) and like to be in groups as well.

If it were my tank and I already had the opalines, I might just keep it as a species tank and find 3 or 4 more of the prettiest gouramis I could find. They tend to swim at all levels, so that might work for you. Also, putting in more gouramis (do you have plants?) may encourage your opalines to stay out more. Good luck!
gouramis are a pleasure to have ,once they have settled. that said they can be rather aggressive and territorial if they dont like theur tankmates,even other gouramis. i have several and they seem to get along fine with corydoras [different living levels]and beacon and neon tetras.i personally would avoid the sharks and barbs.the sharks grow too big and barbs nip unless kept in quantity.you mention loaches, i have yoyo loaches in with mine and they seem to get along well but i believe other loaches would be ok too. :) pebbles

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