

Apr 29, 2024
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Menasha, Wisconsin
I've noticed lately in my 125 gallonsctank that my dwarf gouramie n my red flame dwarf gouramie both males get along really good they even swimming together sometimes with not bullying or fighting. Also noticed that my male pearl gouramie I have 4 pears 1 male n 3 females the male pearl gouramie is the alpha in the tank. I'd seen him putting the former bully dwarf gouramie on his place a few times. The diameter algae eater used to harass my serpae tetras for some reason untill one day I saw the pearl gouramie kind of attacking him n stop the siamese algae eater from chasing the serpae tetra.
He kinds reigns like a king keeping the tank peaceful.

Anybody heard of something like that before ?

Also my yoyos keep having babies. This morning I saw a tiny skinny baby yoyo swimming behind an adult I would guess was it's mama
Yes, male gouramis often exhibit that kind of boss of the tank behavior. However I have not experienced the taking over from a former tank boss of a different species such as your algae eater.
I love pearl gouramis and find them among the gentlest. Opaline and blue male gouramis are often more aggressive.

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