Gourami With Red Sore


Mostly New Member
Jan 9, 2014
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I have a blue dwarf gourami who had a small red sore that looked like it was healing, but now it has turned into this with a small hole in the middle :( what is it and can I help him!?!


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Bless Him. That pretty bad.
Can you isolate him?
Can you describe the texture on top of the sore please.
Ulcers are usually red, or pink with a circling of white dead tissue around the edges. Once the progress they can turn into a hole.
I would isolate him and try and get hold of a medication like Maracyn Plus, Or Tetracycline.
How many gallons is the tank please?
How many fish and which type?
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph?
I was out of town for a few days and came back to this. When I left it looked like it was healing. I don't have another tank, just this one. The other fish are 5 neon tetras and 3 make guppies, along with a small pleco and snail. Tank is 10 gal. I can get chem levels when I get home. The sore is red/ pink in color with a kind of white fuzz over it. Can I buy those meds at a pet store?
He has been eating and moving around fine. When it first happened I thought he just scratched it on something, I feel awful!
It's pretty bad so you do need antibiotic like Maracyn Plus, Or Tetracycline. Also fungus can grow on dead tissue.
I would remove the snail. Even if it's in a bucket. As not sure if you can use these medications with snails.
Can you let us all know how you get on.
Good Luck.

He's so cute.
Can I buy the antibiotic at the store?
Just ask the local store for an antibiotic that treats gram positive, and gram negative bacteria infections.

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