Gourami not doing very well


Fish Addict
Nov 25, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Cali
I've had these Gouramis for about a month now and everything was fine until I came in this morning.

He looked like he was stuck on the filter because of the suction, so I turned it off. He would just sort of hang out at the top, opening his mouth. His gills are not moving and they have purple/reddish blotches on them (I think that's from the others attempting to eat him.) :(

Everyone else looks fine.

I already changed 30% of the water and added some Melafix. Ammonia level is at 0.

Oh, now he's laying on his side at the bottom of the tank. I guess there isn't much I can do at this point.

Anyone have a suggestion?
Is your tank Airated. It is possible that there is not enough oxygen in our water. That would explain why he would be gasping at the surface. I would suggest to airate your tank vigorously.
I thought that might be the problem too, since gasping at the surface is a sign of oxygen deprivation.

We have a Tetratech PF150 filter/heater, and I've also had a sponge filter with an airstone in the opposite side of the tank for quite some time. I guess anything is possible but I thought that was sufficient.

Another difference I've noticed are his eyes. They are appear to be sunken into his head, almost like an elderly person. It's very strange . . .

I've now moved him into a hospital tank with the water, gravel and the sponge filter from the original tank. He's still laying sideways on the bottom, with his mouth rapidly opening and closing. His gills don't seem to be working . . . :no:
UPDATE: Gourami lives!!! :lol:

Came into work this morning and he's swimming around, eating and everything. He still looks pretty messed up though, he's missing scales around his gills and his head looks fuzzy. I can't be sure if the fuzzy appearence is from his tank mates nipping at him or he has some sort of fungus.

I will try to post a decent photo. Any ideas are appreciated!

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