Gourami hurt or parasites?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 2, 2003
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Hi every one! I tried to take a picture for you to see but they didnt come out too well. My gourami has a pink spot on its top fin(fairly large) and has red and black little spots on it. It goes through to the other side. I wonder if one of my other fish has caused this or of its maybe a parasite. My tank is still cycling and hes my favorite fish is there anything I can put in there that may help and not affect my biological filter? Thanks!!!! :(
Hi Feline! Nope all his fins look fine but if i did want to treat anyway what would you suggest that wont mess up my biological filter. Thanks!!
Hi Leah!

Any other signs u can tell for the gourami? eg eating? pooping? staying at the bottom? breathing heavily? etc...
Like how big is the pink spot relative to its body?
Or is it a spot (grain like) or a patch?
Is the pink spot on the edge of the fin? Or in the middle of the fin? Or it's where the fin meets the body?

And it would b great if u could tell where u live, because there's quite a difference between the medicine u get in US and UK!
Hi Feline! thank you for replying again. I live in the U.S. He is still eating really good, every time I go near the tank he comes out to the surface to eat, they learn fast dont they? LOL. The only change in his behavior is that he used to stay at the top of the tank and now he is staying at the bottom. I also got some angelfish a week ago and I wonder if he got into a fight. But I'm not sure I'v enever seen te angels go after either one of my gouramis. In fact I'v enever seen them go after any of my fish. The spot takes up about the whole width of the top fin and it is where the body meets the fin. Thanks sooooo much Feline!!! Leah
I had similar problem a couple of weeks ago with my pearl gourami. A small angel was eating, actually taking chunks of him in the exact spot you described. He has missing scales from the base of the top fin. I posted this and got some responses that angel can go after long finned fish, especially slow moving, and gourami is not a fighter. I had to separate angelfish, they have their own tank now, a 29g, gourami was fine after a coupe of days. Scales are still missing but the wound is gone.
Your gourami might be sitting at the bottom because the angel swims around mid and top.
It would be nice to have somebody experienced to come up with some fish compatibility table, so that you have more chances to avoid a battle in your tank.
Angels, also look peaceful, they can be nasty, after all, they are cichlids.

Thank you jhd!! I am going to keep an eye on them. He seems to be coming out more but I have noticed out of all my fish there is a neon picking on him and hes the biggest fish in my tank! I wonder if its from that fish. I'm glad your fish is doing better too!! :D

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