Gourami Help


New Member
Apr 3, 2004
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I've had a dwarf neon (blue) gourami for about a year now, and have never had any problems with it. Since having it, I've basically had a pleco (very big) and 2 danios in the tank. Occasionaly I've added other smaller fish, replaced some danios that died of old age, etc. and never had a problem with the gourami bothering them. I have recently added, to what I believe is, a white skirt terta. I was 'saving' this tetra from it's original tank, where it was being bullied like no-ones business. Since adding the tetra to my tank, the gourami, won't leave it alone at all! Is it because the tetra is a bigger fish (unlike the danios)? Or is the gourami just being a big meanie? Will the bullying stop, and both fish be able to live in peace? Any suggestions / info / comments would help! Thanks.
Hi batman669 :)

It's quite possible that your gourami sees the tetra as a threat. Gouramis are quite territorial and while it was used to the other fish, the new one might worry him.

It's also possible that the gourami has just matured and is going to have a nasty disposition like many of them do. This is less likely with a dwarf than a full sized one though.

I suggest that you think about getting a bigger tank for them. Depending on which pleco you have, you may need to do that soon anyway. :D
Unfortunatly a larger tank is not an option (the poor college student funds are low). Will the bullying die down or should I find the tetra a new home elsewhere? (I can put it with my betta......but i don't think that would be any better....)
My blue gourami would always attack fish it didn't like..

Did it ever stop or lay off? I fear the gourami will end up killing the tetra (whether it be stress or physical harm).

I'm still stuck: Should I just ignore it? Or should I re-locate the tetra??
My blue gourami would always attack fish it didn't like..

Did it ever stop or lay off? I fear the gourami will end up killing the tetra (whether it be stress or physical harm).

I'm still stuck: Should I just ignore it? Or should I re-locate the tetra??

Hi Batman,

I see you don't have any Tetra listed in you tank info? :unsure: what species are they and how many do you have? Also is it just the one Dwarf Gourami?
Yeah, I don't have any other tetra in the tank. Besides the one gourami, I have a pleco and 2 zebra danios in the 10 gallon tank.

I know its kinda bad to only have one tetra, but from what I know, this tetra has been a 'loner' for quite some time and was being bullied in it's last home, so I was trying to resuce it by giving it a better home (but it hasn't turned out that way so far...) any help would be appreciated....thanks
No worries, I understand! I think IMHO that it would be best to donate the Tetra to someone who has some already and let it join a school of it's own kind :/

Probably not what you wanted to hear, but I think it would be best for the :fish:!

I'm sure there must be someone on here that would take it..

Best of luck anyway.. Lawrence

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