Gourami Dying?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 26, 2006
Reaction score

amonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 8ish

i had 2 red robin gourami, 1 has passed away today, shame a really nice fish, i could not see any external reasons for the death, the fish looked healthy, i have not noticed them much recently and they have been hiding a lot.

what could be wrong?
Gouramis are very prone to bacterial infections.
Has the fish darkened in colour or laying or resting on plants.
Laying on the bottom is a sign of a bacterial infection.
If there is no flicking I would definately go in with a bacterial med.
Can you issolate the fish.
Laying on the bottom is a sign of a bacterial infection.
If there is no flicking I would definately go in with a bacterial med.
Can you issolate the fish.

not at the moment i am setting up a 6 gal quarentine / fry tank but it is not ready yet. i will have to get some treatment 2morro and do it in the main tank.
Ok, good luck, don't forget to increase aeration with the med, and remove black carbon if you use it.
Hate to say it but there is usally not alot of hope for Gouramis once they start tbh GOD DAMM FISH
why do we bother??
but good luck all the same mate :good:
Hate to say it but there is usally not alot of hope for Gouramis once they start tbh GOD DAMM FISH
why do we bother??
but good luck all the same mate :good:

Good shout,

unfortunatly mr gourami died before i could get the med.

thanks for your help.

should i still treat for this, would any other fish have this is the gouramis did??
Sorry R.I.P.
Just dome daily water changes, good luck.
sorry to hear it buddy lost one of mine other day kinda gutted cause it was my first fish :( i posted a link about dwarfs on here from the pfk site, basicly sayin how bad the dwarfs are when it comes to these mysterious bacterial infections.....

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