Gourami Chasing Blue Rams


Fish Fanatic
Apr 8, 2006
Reaction score
St. Louis, MO
I have a tank with a few gouramis and 2 blue rams. The blue rams are a pair. For some reason one of my gouramis chase the blue rams. Anyone know why? The blue rams are new, I just got them a few days ago.
What type of gouramis are they? If they are one of the Trichogaster trichopterus color varietes then I'm not surprised. They are pretty aggressive and probably see the rams as invading their territory. Especially since you added the rams after the gouramis were already established. That probably wasn't the best idea. If I were you, I would try to rehome the offending gourami, or all of the gouramis, especially since the rams are a pair. Maybe they will breed for you if given a more peacefull environment. Or return the rams.
I do have that color variety but it's not bother them. He chases the gourami that's bothering them actually.

The one that is chasing my rams is a Colisa lalia (the red colored one).
Colisa lalia is a Dwarf Gourami, I have heard that they can be aggresive (sometimes...Usuallly they are peaceful). Do you have 2 males?
Yes I'm thinking the dwarf and the blue one are both males. I can't tell really but they chase eachother a lot.

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