Gourami Changing Colour...help


Fish Fanatic
May 31, 2009
Reaction score
Dublin, Ireland
I noticed yesterday evening when I returned home from work that my airstone had come disconnected. Not sure how long it had been like this but my 2 gourami have changed colour and I'm not sure if this is related. They are golden gourami and their appearance has darkened somewhat. Are these two thing related or doed this breed of fish usually experience colour change as they mature?
Any help appreciated,
Like most Gouramies,.... Goldens are also like Chameleons, they change colours to "express" their moods..... Generally, when distressed or when the hormones flare up..... The disconnected airstone could have stimulated their breeding instincts... (being bubblenest builders, the nest would be more stable in the reduced bubble flow), or the reduced circulation of the water could also affect their mood...... I personally think the former is relevant, as they are labyrinth breathers and can get along without any aeration......(depending on how crowded the tank is).
Thanks a million. I'm not so worried now. Appreciate it. D

Do you know how to tell the difference between a male and female gourami btw?
Thanks a million. I'm not so worried now. Appreciate it. D

Do you know how to tell the difference between a male and female gourami btw?

Yes..... Goldens are a direct descendant (colour varient) of the ordinary Blue Gouramie... (Trichogaster Trichopterus).... The dorsal and anal fins of the mal are pointed, and that of the female is rounded and substantially shorter..... What do yo have????
i have a lavendar gourami. same concept as your gold i believe, color variant. he changes colors mostly when he is pissed at my kribs and they are fighting.

now i'm really mixed up with this, because i know some people keep golds together..and i know some gourami's are fine together, and others arent..but i thought golds were especially territorial. in which case if you have two they might be fighting..or they might be displaying for each other if their opposite sex.

that air tube thing might also have them sorta stressed, or ticked off haha. which can cause their color to change.
but yea their colors change a lot, ti's not a big deal.
i have a lavendar gourami. same concept as your gold i believe, color variant. he changes colors mostly when he is pissed at my kribs and they are fighting.

now i'm really mixed up with this, because i know some people keep golds together..and i know some gourami's are fine together, and others arent..but i thought golds were especially territorial. in which case if you have two they might be fighting..or they might be displaying for each other if their opposite sex.

that air tube thing might also have them sorta stressed, or ticked off haha. which can cause their color to change.
but yea their colors change a lot, ti's not a big deal.

Golds and Blues will interbreed as they are the exact same fish, sometimes also called Cosbies or 3 spot gouramies.... (the 3rd spot being the eye of course.... (Trichogaster)...... Your theory of keeping more than one????...see photo below. I actually had them breeding (with thousands in one pond, and a lot of the fry got to maturity in this community)

yeah. My two get along fine. I think I have a male and a female. The colour difference was huge when the airstone disconnected. I was so worried. I'm glad that they are ok though cos I have really grown fond of them. When I got them first I was indifferent about them but I really like them now.
Question Ludwig? Didn't the Opaline color variation come out some years prior to the Gold variation, or am I remembering that wrong? I remember having some early Opalines that had a beautiful blue-green shade when young and which sometimes got to a darker almost evergreen color when the males especially got older.

Question Ludwig? Didn't the Opaline color variation come out some years prior to the Gold variation, or am I remembering that wrong? I remember having some early Opalines that had a beautiful blue-green shade when young and which sometimes got to a darker almost evergreen color when the males especially got older.


Correct... Nowadays those beautiful blue-green variaties have been diluted by 3spots into the Cosbies....... It is also very seldom that one still sees the true 3 spot.

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