Gourami And Tetras? Other Tankmates


New Member
Sep 8, 2008
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I have set up a 10gallon tank. I am a beginner. I am planning to get a Dwarf Gourami. Is one okay? What tankmates should I get for it? I also really like tetras. Are tetras okay with gouramis? Serpae, Black Phantom? Any other suggestions?
I have 2 dwarf honey gouramis with both neons and glowlight tetras, they're fine together. I used to have guppys which were also fine. for bottom feeders - how about bristlenose plecs? Love mine,

Just an idea! Not sure about the others as no experience with these. Hope this helps.

i've got a dwarf gourami . Was told by someone to get a female as they do like company ? but mine seems fine

I've also got
5 Leo Danio's
5 neons
2 Albino Cory's

All get along great :D
Tetras and gouramis are great together.. because its a small tank, the dwarf and some tetras is probably good enough for it.
Dwarf gouramis will live with most fish peacefuly. If you want the most coloured one choose a male but you will only be able to keep one as 2 males would fight over territory in that sized tank , and you would need to keep at least 2 females to every male to prevent the females getting harrassed too much and you dont have the space.

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