Got Wrigglys :) New Pic Added


RIP Dear nan 22/03/1925 --11/03/2009
Sep 22, 2008
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Devon - UK
My white cloud minnow spawning worked again :) (haven't done it for a few years and only done it in cold before never tropical temps 22-24 degrees)
I have lots and lots of wigglys in the breeding net now :)

am feeding them on crushed spirulina ,crushed brineshrimp , crushed bloodworm and crushed algae

Hoping they will survive :)

Sarah xxx

VID <a href="" target="_blank"></a>


39 days post spawn


yes when they grow a bit they are about 2-3 mm (full length) if that at the moment all you can see is a pin prick head and a hair thickness tail so they wont come out on my camera
My white cloud minnow spawning worked again :) (haven't done it for a few years and only done it in cold before never tropical temps 22-24 degrees)
I have lots and lots of wigglys in the breeding net now :)

am feeding them on crushed spirulina ,crushed brineshrimp , crushed bloodworm and crushed algae

Hoping they will survive :)

Sarah xxx
Hi sarah,well done :) whats ur method for spawning them as ive got 3 fat ladies and a gorgeous wee male who just cant show off enough to them in one of my tanks at home :)
i set up a spawning tank which was my rena 30

in the tank i have a elite stingray 5 filter (well cycled)- heater set to 20 but the actual tank temp was between 22-24 degrees due to room temp
i purchased some fern made by sera (they sell it at pets at home) got 3 lots so plenty to spawn on
had one real plant in the tank (cabomba) but the minnows preferred the fern
a shallow layer of gravel in case any eggs fall throught the net

Kept all the minnows in the main tank until the males were displaying to each other , the females are not just fat but lumpy when they are ready to mate

removed 4 females and 2 males to the spawning tank , turned off the light , left them for 3 days then removed them (had neons to quarentine so needed the tank)
I usually remove the parents (though i have left them in the past and had some fry) and leave whatever they have spawned on in the spawning tank

i lowered a baby net into the tank and floated the fern into it then transferred it to my main tank 7 days ago

was going to empty the net yesterday as didnt think anything had happened as i couldnt see any babies whenever i looked
hubby looked yesterday and seen all the babies in there so i checked the spawning tank where the neons were quarenteening and found babies in there aswell so kicked the neons out lol

thats all i do throw them in the spawning tank , leave them for 3 days (apart from feeds) have a look through and you can see wether they are starting to breed - the male and female wrap there tails round each other , NO LIGHTS , then remove them and you should have some free swimmers in about a week
i think they take 24-28 hours to hatch but a while to swim freely
i never bother to feed until a week after the adults have been removed
then i feed them on crushed brineshrimp, crushed spirulina , crushed bloodworm and crushed algae , crushed flake --- by crushed i mean powdered

you must remember that they are extremly small babies and can be missed as i did lol

as long as the mummys are nice and fat and lumpy just go for it and you should hopefully have free swimming babies in a weeks time

hope makes sense MS brain not good lol

good luck Sarah xxx
i set up a spawning tank which was my rena 30

in the tank i have a elite stingray 5 filter (well cycled)- heater set to 20 but the actual tank temp was between 22-24 degrees due to room temp
i purchased some fern made by sera (they sell it at pets at home) got 3 lots so plenty to spawn on
had one real plant in the tank (cabomba) but the minnows preferred the fern
a shallow layer of gravel in case any eggs fall throught the net

Kept all the minnows in the main tank until the males were displaying to each other , the females are not just fat but lumpy when they are ready to mate

removed 4 females and 2 males to the spawning tank , turned off the light , left them for 3 days then removed them (had neons to quarentine so needed the tank)
I usually remove the parents (though i have left them in the past and had some fry) and leave whatever they have spawned on in the spawning tank

i lowered a baby net into the tank and floated the fern into it then transferred it to my main tank 7 days ago

was going to empty the net yesterday as didnt think anything had happened as i couldnt see any babies whenever i looked
hubby looked yesterday and seen all the babies in there so i checked the spawning tank where the neons were quarenteening and found babies in there aswell so kicked the neons out lol

thats all i do throw them in the spawning tank , leave them for 3 days (apart from feeds) have a look through and you can see wether they are starting to breed - the male and female wrap there tails round each other , NO LIGHTS , then remove them and you should have some free swimmers in about a week
i think they take 24-28 hours to hatch but a while to swim freely
i never bother to feed until a week after the adults have been removed
then i feed them on crushed brineshrimp, crushed spirulina , crushed bloodworm and crushed algae , crushed flake --- by crushed i mean powdered

you must remember that they are extremly small babies and can be missed as i did lol

as long as the mummys are nice and fat and lumpy just go for it and you should hopefully have free swimming babies in a weeks time

hope makes sense MS brain not good lol

good luck Sarah xxx
thanx sarah ur a star xx
spawning worked again now got about 30 little wrigglys in spawning tank again - they are being removed into a net and going into main tank later
My white cloud minnow spawning worked again :) (haven't done it for a few years and only done it in cold before never tropical temps 22-24 degrees)
I have lots and lots of wigglys in the breeding net now :)

am feeding them on crushed spirulina ,crushed brineshrimp , crushed bloodworm and crushed algae

Hoping they will survive :)

Sarah xxx

VID [URL=""][/URL]
hi pippoodle' are thet tropical or cold water minnows
had 4 cold water ones given in a small tank :crazy: just wanted to no if they would be alright in a tropical one
My white cloud minnow spawning worked again :) (haven't done it for a few years and only done it in cold before never tropical temps 22-24 degrees)
I have lots and lots of wigglys in the breeding net now :)

am feeding them on crushed spirulina ,crushed brineshrimp , crushed bloodworm and crushed algae

Hoping they will survive :)

Sarah xxx

VID <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
hi pippoodle' are thet tropical or cold water minnows
had 4 cold water ones given in a small tank :crazy: just wanted to no if they would be alright in a tropical one

Their coldwater but can survive in waters up to 26C I think it is. They will be totally fine in a tropical tank in the low 20C's :)
My white cloud minnow spawning worked again :) (haven't done it for a few years and only done it in cold before never tropical temps 22-24 degrees)
I have lots and lots of wigglys in the breeding net now :)

am feeding them on crushed spirulina ,crushed brineshrimp , crushed bloodworm and crushed algae

Hoping they will survive :)

Sarah xxx

VID <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
hi pippoodle' are thet tropical or cold water minnows
had 4 cold water ones given in a small tank :crazy: just wanted to no if they would be alright in a tropical one

Their coldwater but can survive in waters up to 26C I think it is. They will be totally fine in a tropical tank in the low 20C's :)
thanks pippoodle
my tank is set at 25 and has guppys in it will they be ok in there,its just a shame they are in a small tank :good:
thanks pippoodle
my tank is set at 25 and has guppys in it will they be ok in there,its just a shame they are in a small tank :good:

Hey!!! It was me that said it!! :lol:

What size is the tank your guppies are in? How many minnows did you want? Ideally you want at least a 10 gallon tank for minnows.
thanks pippoodle
my tank is set at 25 and has guppys in it will they be ok in there,its just a shame they are in a small tank :good:

Hey!!! It was me that said it!! :lol:

What size is the tank your guppies are in? How many minnows did you want? Ideally you want at least a 10 gallon tank for minnows.
sorry jonny
8 guppys in a 155 lts (two male,six females)
got 4 minnows in a verry small tank(shame :blush: )but they are cold water

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