O.K. , Couple years ago was reading magazine article on breeding different varieties of fish (maybe TFH), stated that cory cats will breed like crazy if kept in a species tank and fed well, not just scavenging for scraps.Have kept cories in community tanks for YEARS, one of my faves, never occured to me to try to breed them. Went right out and bought 6 albinos, thought "I'll give this a try", did everything the article said and boom!... breeding commenced! I currently have well over 300 juv. albinos of various ages. Thought "well, this is cool, let's try something else", so I went out and found 6 julii, 6 skunk, 6 panda, and did the same thing for them. This has not been too long ago. Have been feeding brine shrimp, bloodworms,algae wafers,shrimp pellets,flake...good varied diet,fish are really starting to look good, females filling out, but no spawning yet. Then tonight as I was doing my water changes, I noticed a (single) baby panda in with the adults....whoa. The albinos always eat their eggs, I have to remove them to a different tank ,so I figured that if any of the others spawned that I would have to intervene and save their eggs too. I can't believe that I didn't even notice the eggs! And I wonder
how many others there were that I unintentionally sucked up when I was doing previous water changes
.Have to be more careful(and observant) from now on. Anyway, I'm just proud as can be of my pandas(they're my favorite out of all the corys I have) and I wanted to share my news with all of you!