Got the leans


Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won'
Nov 19, 2004
Reaction score
Birmingham, AL
I have 2 cory's. A gold colroed one and a spotted one. (I'm not sure what they are called)

They were both fine until yesterday. The spotted one leans. If you tap the glass she'll swim around all normal..then when she stops she leans or tilts. She didn't do this before.

Any sugesetons as to what this is? I have her seperated just in case she's sick..but she doesn't like it.

Thanks. :/
ok, well I've kept her isolated for 2 days now..and she doesn't seem to be getting any better/worse so I guess I'm gonna put her back in with the other fish (she does not like being alone lol...I can tell you that) and see how it goes.

I just had a fish die unexpectedly I guess I'm a little on edge about them being sick now :(.

Thanks for the help :thumbs:
One of my female C.paleatus (avatar) leans to her left occasionally, as her pectoral fin spine on that side is slightly deformed. I've also seen leaning in cories with no deformities, so I wouldn't worry. :)

I'm sorry to learn about your betta. :byebye:

Just to be on the safe side, let me ask you what happened to him, and if the cory was in the same tank?
Thanks :(

No Nin was in a tank all by himself.

I'm seriously thinking the plant I had in the tank with him caused his death. He appeared to have Ick, then 2 days later he was covered in fin rot (this happened pretty much over night, as there was no fin damage at 5pm the day before..last time I saw him without it). A few days before I had put a plant bulb in and later that day noticed a white fuzz on it. I took out the bulb and changed the water, but I'm thinking maybe there was a fungus on the plant and it attacked him.

There are no plants (other then plastic ones) in with my cories, there is a betta, 3 ghost shrimp, and a ADF. But they all stay out of each others way (except the gold cory..she has a fascination witht he ADF lol).

my cories lean on their sides all the time.nothings wrong with them it is just a cory dashing to the surface for a gulp of air.
Aww your poor betta died on my birthday!

Anyways your cory problem is nothing to worry about it. I have kept cories for the longest time and they all seem to do it without any illness, but seeing as your a great fish keeper you did the right thing by asking :)
Yeah, I just wanted to be sure. If one of my Betta's did that...I'd know something was wrong, so I wanted to be sure just in case.

Glad to know its just a cory thing lol. Silly fishes. :look:

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