Got Tank


Fish Crazy
Oct 25, 2007
Reaction score
got my tank yesterday. wont be setting it up straight away but the stocking i want for it is:-
- a male betta
- 4 pygmy cories
- 4/5 cherry shrimp
- 2 ADF's (not sure yet due to problems with shrimp)
- 3 Assassin snails
- (maybe 1 apple snail?)

what does everbody think?

is there scope to add a trio of endlers or too much?
i would leave it as is, no room for endlers IMO

don't mix assassin snails with apple snail as it will be killed.
I really, really wouldn't put all of that in there.

Keep the assassin snails away from all other snails.

I would have the cories OR the frogs OR the endlers

And shrimp depending on whether the frogs/betta will eat them.

28 litres isn't really very much and with decorations and substrate, you're looking at rather less water volume. If it's supposed to be a betta tank, pop him in first and see if he'll take tank mates. You don't want to get everyone in, move the betta in and find you have to rehome everyone else.

Betta might take exception to endlers the most, as they are quite bright.

Take it slow, add things gradually and you'll find a sensible stocking level.
I would not add endlers, i would just take it slow and add the about 3/4 fish every 1/2 weeks. I would'nt add a betta it would get frustrated with all the other fish.

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